Sunday 29 March 2015

Sunday Catch-Up #2

Another week gone, and it was another one where I didn't achieve much but managed to get a few pics.
Monday I was working, the weather was bad, I only managed to get a photo for my picture a day. Weirdly, Tuesday was pretty similar.

On Wednesday the weather picked up a little and I brought the dragons out to enjoy the sunshine a little on the windowsill before I had to go off to work. I think the natural sunlight is better for them than their UV bulb, and they do seem to enjoy sitting in the window, watching the world go by :]

The week didn't show a lot more picture opportunities until Friday, when my Graze box came. I love these little boxes XD I get one every two weeks to try and stop my snacking on sugar (it occasionally works xp) and this week's selection looks particularly good. Even though you choose which to receive and which you never want to see come through the letterbox, some weeks you just don't fancy the granola or flapjack XD I have been looking forward to trying their take on Miso since it was released though so this was a good choice, thanks Graze!

We had a tattoo convention on over the weekend at work and I had a little look around the stalls on Friday as we were doing the finishing details of set-up. This Ram's skull really stood out to me, I love animal skulls, even if they are a little morbid x3 I was half hoping to get a tattoo over the weekend but just haven't had time (or money really) to go. I do have a couple of designs in mind but they can wait.

Yesterday as my first day off this week I went out on an exploring mission. First I went to local Ironbridge then decided to go check out an ex-nursing home nearby that I used to spend a lot of time at as a kid. Now that it's not in use anymore they've put up a lot of fencing which is really hindering my exploring but I had a go! I actually tried to get a hold of the security that watches the place but no one would come out. I'm not even 100% if they were there or had just left the car behind to make the place look guarded. This photo is of one of the few places I could get to, I'm not sure if the creepiness comes across as well as I feel it when I'm there XD
And that's been pretty much my week. Next week I've booked off from work so I can spend a little time getting on top of all these projects I've set myself! I'm sure that means I'll be by here more often too, so hopefully I'll see you soon x]

1 comment:

  1. Look at the happy yellow on those dragons! It's nice to see them enjoying themselves.
    I feel your pain with the tattoos, I'm so keen to get my next one but I just know that it will be horrendously expensive!
    I remember that creepy feeling well and the picture makes me feel it again but perhaps because I have been there?
    p.s still jealous of graze box XD
