Monday 20 April 2015

Sunday Catch-up #5- Ups and Downs

Oh, sorry, I'm a little delayed in my catchup this week :x
Last week started really well actually and then went into a bit of a decline, and I don't really have many photos this week because of it! Here we go with what I do have though x3
Monday was a good start, I had the day off and I spent it around the house as the weather wasn't so good. I was doing as I promised myself in one of my earlier posts and catching up with my Thai Smashbook x3 I'll post a little more about that on Wednesday I think.

Tuesday I was at work at 3, but as I was determined to enjoy the good weather I went out to Attingham Park. I took a a public footpath in, which went through some fields with some sheep and their lambs x3

When I got in, I wandered round the walled gardens, my favourite bit of the park x3 I hadn't timed it spot on though and didn't get much time to wander before having to come back home via Tesco and go to work.

He's always so polite, typical chef!
On Wednesday I had another day off, and barely stopped! I was all over the place with Face buying meat and then by myself locating other items for a barbeque held at his Mum's house in the evening. Some of our best friends came round too and we all had a really fun night x3
The week gets pictureless after this as I spent Thursday and Friday in bed all day with sickness XD I had some sushi on Tuesday that I didn't look after very well before eating so I think it took me out! I barely got up for anything, I was so lethargic and my appetite completely gone (very unlike me!) Ah well teach me a lesson I suppose.
By Saturday I was back at work on 12-11, and Sunday the same, which is why I really haven't had much time to pop by here. In fact I'm on Midday-Midnight shifts all week so I'm not going to get much time for anything in the next few days and next weeks Catch-up may be pretty bleak too! I may skip it if it is, there's not much to write about having to go to work all day every day xp
How did I get time to come by today though? I rolled myself out of bed at 9.30 to wash my hair. I'm not feeling to good for it but it had to be done and it has given me time to come by here so not all bad x.X
Catch you Wednesday :]


  1. Bbq in a beanie? ! Classic! XD

    1. If it was scorching out he would be in the beanie- It's his thing atm XD

    2. If it was scorching out he would be in the beanie- It's his thing atm XD
