Wednesday 29 April 2015

Project Wednesday ~Dossing in the Garden

Well, usually my projects are little more paper based than this weeks, but it's nice to have a change, right?
I had a long weekend this week thanks to my bosses rotaing so I took full advantage to spend most of it in the garden! The weather was supposed to be terrible but it actually turned out pretty good, I even got to see the sun a fair bit! I admit it's getting chillier, but it's not enough to stop me at the moment (if it gets much colder it will though, I'm terrible for avoiding the outdoors!).

I was given some tiny little seed pots that were going to be thrown away so I dived straight in with filling them with compost and now they all have peas or beans in them XD Some other peas that I started off about 3 weeks ago were starting to outgrow their seed tray and although I'd planned for them to be planted out by Dad they were just getting too root-y so they got planted outside, and the seed tray is already being used for broad beans! I still have two more sets of peas to germinate so I'm sure Dad will still have something to do :]

It's not all been legumes though and I've also been paying some attention to the front garden where I hope to plant some flowers for colour. I don't trust vegetables to stay out the front, although the general consensus of the neighbours appears to be that if it comes from the ground its poisonous! Later on in the year I'll probably end up putting some peas out along the fence line though as they've done pretty well there for the last couple of years. (I think people think they are boring sweet peas xp) I'm trying to make a bit of a feature in the front garden with some plant pots as the middle piece is getting so boring to me! The cherry tree is offset from the middle and not big enough yet to draw much attention, so I'm hoping to get this pot set to have lots of nice blooms and some trailing plants down the side. I've never attempted anything like this before so fingers crossed!

Out the back garden I've got two lots of onions in, they like the sunshine so I've tried to get them in prominent spots, and because I don't usually have a lot of luck with getting them to grow as big as I'd like I've done a little research this year and put a whole bunch of compost and slow release plant food in before planting them :] I'm hoping that'll give them a head start while I concentrate on watering to try and get them chunky XD

And of course with all this I feel the need to bring a little paper organisation in somewhere so I created this chart to keep track of everything as it's planted and grows. I'm really looking forward to filling it in, but I feel theres more I could do with a more garden-focussed journal, but I'm not really sure where to start, or how to go about it. Even Pinterest isn't bringing much up for me!
Do you have any ideas, or have you done any garden themed journals or crafts before? I'd love to hear about them!
Catch you soon,

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