Wednesday 27 May 2015

Project Wednesday ~Camera Love

Okay, okay, so todays topic may not be strictly a 'project' as it's more of an actual hobby or collection...but I guess you could see it as an ongoing project to gain more? ;p

Canon EOS 650D
As you may've guessed from my banner, I'm rather keen on my camera, a Canon EOS 650D, it's about the 3rd in a line of 'main use' cameras and my first DSLR <3 It's my baby, as were the others that went before it, who now sit on my desk as part of the coolection. When I got my first job I'd already toyed with photography, but only film (yeah...I'm that old ;p) and so with my new paycheck I decided to get something I'd wanted a while, a digital camera! My first digicam was a Casio, a small handheld that went everywhere with me and actually took really nice pictures. It was also the camera I started my four year stint in photo-a-day blogging with. After about 5 years though it suddenly fritzed one day and I was left with no camera! I bought one exactly the same second hand from ebay and carried on for a while.

Casio Exilim
As I got more into it I started looking at the bigger cameras though, and although I really wanted a DSLR I couldn't afford one. I asked my parents to buy me a bridge camera for my 21st, which was also a Casio. This became my next baby and was carried about literally everywhere for the next 5 years. Seriously, this thing went shopping with me and to work most days, 'just in case'. Aha. People got used to seeing me with it! 5 years takes its toll on a bridge camera though, and it's buttons were starting to get a little unresponsive and it just wasn't focusing as it used to. But I'd saved and was ready to make one of the biggest purchases I'd ever made so far in my life! So after much deliberation I eventually chose my DSLR. This one doesn't get toted around everywhere like my other pair, it's just not got size on it's side, unless I'm on holiday. I don't always fully understand it, but part of the fun is learning and I feel that although I don't use it to it's full potential, I still have time to improve my photography xD So long as I enjoy it, right?

Diana Mini Latitude
But DSLRs aren't where it stops, I love all cameras equally and this is where the collection comes in x3 I love finding unusual film cameras in charity shops, but I'm not at all beyond scoping them out on ebay x3 In fact that's where this little beauty came from, a Diana Mini Latitude. I thought I was going to have to pay through the nose for this limited edition camera that was on my dream list, but happened to be lucky on ebay and got a really good deal on it!

Ricoh XF-30Prints from Ricoh XF-30
I've got about 10 different cameras now, and most of them work ;p Nearly all are 35mm film and I try to put film in them and take them out with me if I'm likely to go anywhere of interest. In fact not that long ago I picked up this rather more normal one of my cameras after it'd been sitting on a shelf for a year or so. It only took 3 more shots before the film was done, it's so weird now to take pictures and not instantly know what they are going to turn out like, but that's definitely part of the appeal! I took it to get processed (also so expensive these days ;0;) and this film must've been in the camera for near enough 4 years from my guess, and it's got some real gems on it. Being in the camera that long seems to have taken it's toll though as they've all got this rustic, grainy feel to them which just makes them all the better in my eyes x3 I can only imagine what people would've said about shots like these back when this was the only option!
Oh, this has got quite lengthy XD I'll leave it there for now, maybe another time I'll show you some of the others I have! Have you got any old cameras? Do you think they are still worth the time and money or not now digital has well and truly taken over? Let me know! (Not that'll it'll change my mind if it's negative, sorry ;p)

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