Friday 1 May 2015

This Time Last Year ~May 2014

By contrast with April 2014, May 2014 I took a ton of photos! But it was because I went on holiday, so not sure if you can count it as a success or not, particularly as I only took photos while I was away xp So, this time last year we went to Tokyo, Japan. Both Face and I have long been dreaming about a visit to Japan so we were pretty excited, and it was awesome *.*

In such a large city, we kind of expected the mild sense of fear many people who live in cities radiate, a kind of fear of not knowing who is walking near them and being so singular in such a large place, but we felt none of it! Even in a country whose language is so different from our own, many signs were in English and people made an effort to talk to us, it was so welcoming! We had a great time exploring as much as we could in the 12 days we had, travelling easily on the subway system and even getting a train out of town to Yokohama.

Our hotel was old fashioned but fit for purpose and our view totally made up for it anyway, as we directly overlooked the Tokyo Tower, a tower built to resemble the Eiffel Tower in Paris. At night it lights up different colours depending on the day or occasion, and I would sit on the sill of our window just to watch the view in the odd slow moments we had :]

And although Tokyo is known as one of the most modern cities, there were plenty of throwbacks to what it had been when it was known as Edo, with historical buildings like this shrine entrance melding in with the large city buildings surrounding it. We visited lots of shrines and also the palace gardens and a few parks, to get away from the city bustle a little.
Looking back on it now, I really miss Tokyo, there was something about it that just felt so right! I definitely need to return, and soon! Have you ever felt like this about a foreign country? Let me know, I'm always looking for new places to explore!

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  1. I never knew it was called Edo. If nothing else happens that's my new knowledge for the day XD

    1. They changed it around the time it became capital I believe? Before that Kyoto was capital ^^

    2. They changed it around the time it became capital I believe? Before that Kyoto was capital ^^
