Wednesday 13 May 2015

Project Wednesday ~La De Dah Smashbook

Another month, another look in at the La De Dah Smashbook! We'll jump straight in, shall we? This page was for a concert we went to, and the dossing around Birmingham we did beforehand XD We went to see Patent Pending and discovered an awesome new band too warming up the crowd were People on Vacation, fronted by the lead singer from Bowling for Soup! It was a brilliant show, and a good day all round actually ^^

This page was about some home ideas for when I eventually move out. I'm pretty comfortable where I am at the moment, but as I'm getting older (like, way too old to live with my parents!) I realise that soon I'm going to have to make the leap. And to prep myself I like to gather these little ideas for what I could do with my home. I've mostly got these little bits from magazines, and I guess they'll be pretty outdated by the time I actually come to use them!

I had a bunch of pictures knocking about my desk for this page about my tattoos :] I'm not much into super deep meanings for tattoos, more for the look of them, so this was really more about why I chose what I did and where I had it done. That Libertines flag has seriously been on my desk for over 3 years! It finally has a use, thank god for smashbooking!

These two pages are completely unrelated, the one on the left is about the staff party I went to in January, it was one of the last pages I did actually. They had this cool photobooth there and we spend some time mucking about in it XD It as a good laugh. Under each photo is a little scrap on what we got up to and the food that Face made for the party.
On the right is a page about a cross-stitch I did for my Mum. My Dad was going to visit so I asked him to take this with his as a present. It took me a long time to do as the first proper cross-stitch I've ever done so I was pretty proud of it. And I couldn't bear to throw away the pattern paper once i was done, so it was fairly obvious where it was going to end up ;p

This page was one of the very first I did- starting with all the things I already had planned for the year then I added onto it it at the bottom once I had other things booked! At the end of the year I'd gathered all these things that wouldn't go on other pages so I smashed them all together here to make a sort of collage of my year x3

This is one of the only things I did this year that got two whole spreads to itself! I am always excited about Download Festival and this year was one of the best! The weather was perfect and we just had a really great time x3 We always make a bit of a holiday of it, so the first couple of pages are about what we did Wednesday & Thursday and the others are about the festival. Only a month before we do it all again! I can't wait x3

I'll leave it at this page I think- this one I did early spring when I was pretty excited about what I was going to do in the garden x3 Again a whole bunch of magazine clippings were incorporated as ideas and I also put in a few plant tags of stuff I'd already bought to put in. I got the 'favourite things' envelope from Hobbycraft and it seems to fit in pretty well on this page, it holds in place surprisingly well too!
Hope you liked yet another detailed look into this scrapbook! Do you have a smashbook? I'd love to see it!

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  1. Whoa, your smashbook looks amazing! I bet it'll be something great to look back on when your older too. Great post to read! :)

    Sammeh x

    1. Thanks very much, I spent quite a lot of time on this one to fill it x3 I hope too I'll enjoy looking back on it!
      Thanks for coming by x3
