Wednesday 17 June 2015

Project Wednesday ~Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

This week I wasn't sure what to write about actually...since I finished my current project, the Thai Smashbook, I haven't really been working on anything else crafting-wise. I'm still in the process of editing the video too so I couldn't post that like I'd planned either :x But then I realised, even with going to Download festival, I have been focussed on something else: my 3DS and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire!

Pikachu 3DS
Yep, I love games, who doesn't, right? I'm not really very good at them though so I wouldn't really call myself a 'gamer', more of a handheld player ;p I don't know what it is, but unless the game is super simple I'm just not good at proper console games (I'm super excited for backwards compatibility for 360 games on the Xbox One though so I can play Viva Pinata again XD). My favourite console is nearly always by Nintendo, though I have flirted with the Playstation hendhelds on and off ;p And my favourite franchise? Pokémon!

New Flying system
I got Pokémon Alpha Sapphire for Christmas 2014 but didn't start playing it till January, where I had a few weeks stint battling the first four or so gym leaders. Even though this game is a remake of the original Pokémon Sapphire, I played it so long ago that I didn't really remember the storyline and it feels like a whole new game, with lots of new features as well as the fun of playing with old pokémon I haven't had a chance to battle with in a long time- like my starter Mudkip, who I named Liek ;p After a few weeks though I got distracted and put it down for a while.

My Team
I next picked it up when we went on our mini holiday to Wales, where I had a bit of time to play as we sat around relaxing in the late evening and had no reception on our phones! I managed to get through a couple more gym leaders while I was there and bring down a couple of dens of the bad guys, Team Aqua. Aren't I good? ;p I think this game is even more set for younger kids that previous games though as in times when I would've normally found it difficult and had to slog train to beat gyms or get through certain parts of the game, I just breezed through as all my pokémon gained large amounts of experience from the Exp. Share and my attacks seem to pull even more critical hits that ever before. It's played on my mind that it makes things a little too easy but at the same time I've enjoyed being able to get on with the story rather than having to spend hours in the grass battling low levels to raise my stats.

Outside the Elite
I put the game down for a while around the time Dad got back, but over Download I took it with me again, as I remembered again that phone signal around there is terrible for me too XD I had a good couple of nights while everyone was asleep battling and taking out the last couple of gyms and discovering all the new features they'd put into the game. On our last day of Download I was so absorbed in the game that I even played it all the way there as Face drove, something I usually make sure I do as per tradition! I was battling the Elite Four but didn't get to complete the game until I got home the next day.
It was a struggle, my team did it! We beat the champion and got to go into a second story arc which (without too many spoilers) allowed me to go on to save the pokéworld (again) and catch a couple of legendaries, woop! I even managed to save my masterball, though at this point I'm not really sure what for ;p

Setting Sail for new things!
So that was as far as I got up to yesterday, my team is getting stronger and stronger and even though I've now completed the second story arc there's still stuff to do, the proffessor gave me a Chikorita earlier so he's got to be trained and I've still got to fill up my pokédex, and I've got to go on this ferry to see what the story behind that is!
Sorry I wasn't crafting this week, but if you want to see more game reviews like this let me know!

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  1. I had noticed it was easier to level up in pokemon y too. I Shall have to get the Ruby version of this as my next game. And We will have to swap legendarys from x and y.
    How did you manage to keep your master ball! Major skills. I still remember the days of hacks when could have infinity master balls. I miss that XD

    1. The cheat codes were a lot of fun XD TBF the r4 was a lot of fun too! And yus when you play it we can swap stuff for full pokédexes x3
      The master ball thing was just fluke, I managed to catch it in a premier ball somehow xD
