Sunday 12 April 2015

Sunday Catch Up #4

So, this week. I've not been too busy, but it turns out that week off has done me some good, I think. I've not been too put down by work and this week has gone fairly quickly :]
Monday was a beautiful day, just like the day before, only thins time I had a little time to myself. And of course, I wasn't really sure what to do with it! After watching Face work on his car and doing a bit of writing in the sun, I decided to wash my car! It's been a long time coming, my poor car was filthy from the winter and a few motorway trips. But now look at it! So shiny x3

Tuesday was a day for the garden, and I put a few peas and beans in the greenhouse to go with the ones already outside. I also checked everything else I have growing, so far not much progress on anything I planted the other day, but as you can see, this Lemon tree is going for it! It's been in the conservatory all winter and it going crazy with a growth spurt that sent it right up to the roof! I've had to move it to a lower table so it doesn't crush itself XD

On Wednesday I decided spending the last two days around the house on beautiful days was enough, so I went to check out the local cherry gardens. I was a little early though, as although it seems all the wild ones are in full bloom, the curated ones were only just about there. So I did get a few nice pics around, but not quite what I was hoping for.

Thursday was my first day off since my 'holiday' and was ready to enjoy it XD I decided to go out tiki-touring after having a quick meet up with a friend, but she had no other plans so came with me! We had a good time doing a little cruise of the Wolverhampton/Bridgnorth area and taking some pics along the way. This one is of the Bridgnorth Cliff Railway, and the view on a lovely summer-like evening :]

Friday's picture isn't very interesting, (another of dirt!) but I was excited to find that these mini-sweetcorn have already started to pop through! Today was another day off, and I actually got up to a bit but didn't really get any other pics that this one. Oops.

Yesterday I didn't do anything interesting before wok, just a bit of gluing in a couple of books, sitting inside away from the wind before I went to work. When I got in I was asked to do a drawing on the chalkboard wall in one of the function rooms for a promise that had been made to the guests that evening. It was a Las Vegas themed birthday party so I got a couple of pics for reference and got to it. It took about an hour and a half to two hours but it was fun and certainly not something I get asked to do often. If work was like this more often.... ;p

Today the weather has totally changed, it's mostly overcast, the wind is more blustery than ever and I'm glad I have a lot of things to amuse me indoors, although I have to go out soon to go to work xd I've hung some washing out but I'm starting to get a little worried it's going to try and blow away :x I think I'll have to go get it in and dry it inside after all! I've just been messing round with this and that, including this pair of cameras Face bought for me, aren't they pretty? X3
So, a pic for every day this week! That may be a first so far! Did you get up to much this week? Was it nice where you were?

1 comment:

  1. Which friend did you tour around with? Our weather has been pretty awful so we have been inside a lot too. At the end of this week though we are off to the south island so hopefully it'll perk up by then XD
