Wednesday 8 July 2015

Project Wednesday ~Gardening Round Three

Well, it's been nearly 6 weeks since the last update on how the gardening project is going so that's what I thought I'd write about today, because since the heatwave we had a couple of weeks ago, mixed with the season in full swing, some things have been going nuts!

Stacking pots
Remember this stacking pots pinterest idea? This is how it's looking now! The plants are getting so bushy now and really filling the pot out, and slowly the trailing plants are beginning to hang, maybe next time I will add some trailing greenery cause that seems to grow faster and may give more of the effect I was expecting. Still, for a first try I'm still pretty pleased with this pot!

Everything else has been about the vegetables though as as the weather has picked up so has the garden! These three are the vines I had under the polytunnel in the last post- well, the squash and courgette are two of them. I did have a cucumber under here that did really well for a little while, then just randomly went on me, I have no idea why ;/ Luckily my friend gave me a pumpkin she'd started off and it's loving the space the cucumber left behind! The courgette in the middle is winning in size and productivity (already 2 little courgettes growing x3), but the pumpkin has begun to spread with little tendrils so I'm sure it's not going to be much longer before it has the whole garden set in it's sights!

Baby Corn
The baby corn I started in the window is also putting on a growth spurt, and I'm told it can grow up to 5 feet tall, I think it's already at 4 so it's doing well! I don't see any signs of corn flowers on it yet though, but fingers crossed and it will figure itself out. Strangely, these two were the two I put in the ground first, covered with bell cloches. They have got to this size while the others that were planted only a couple of weeks after them in the good weather haven't really put in much effort so far. They are bigger, but not quite looking like they know what they're doing with themselves yet, if that makes sense!

Growing Pods Potato Flowers
Other things, like these peas and potatoes, have already begun to start giving us their produce x3 Some potatoes that were planted in January wilted a week ago (which means they are ready) and they provided a very nice meal with some steamed fish and broccoli, and just today we had enough peas to have a few each with tea, which included more new potatoes x3

Baby Corn
I forgot to take a greenhouse shot this time round- but here's a peak as to what's going on in there. The tomatoes are in the process of flowering and producing fruit, though I think it'll be at least another month before these are ready!
Have you got a garden? Hope it's doing as nicely as mine!

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  1. Wahoo! Things are good. You'll have more courgettes than you can eat in a weeks if the plant in anything like ours XD

    1. XD Sounds good to me! Though we do only have the one courgette plant that has taken off, the others are still tiny!
