Wednesday 29 July 2015

Project Wednesday ~Keri Smith Book Collection

So this Wednesday I thought I'd introduce you to my Keri Smith collection- an ongoing project I do one book at a time x3

My Keri Smith Collection
A seemingly prolific writer, Keri Smith is best known for the 'Wreck This Journal', which has had it's fair share of internet fame, and seemingly every tumblr kid and youtuber has one! Here I have quite a few of her books, though there are a couple missing- I have A 'Wreck This Journal Everywhere' which I've managed to misplace currently (fail ;d), and she hasn't long released another which I have put on my Christmas wishlist ;p

My first of the collection was actually the Wreck This Journal, which I carried about for a good couple of years, doing off and on until it was complete. I did this flip through once I'd felt it was done, and it has gathered quite a bit of attention on Youtube! I think at the time I uploaded it, it was the first completed WTJ up too, which is pretty cool. I did really enjoy doing the WTJ, and I think looking back on it, it's one of the easier Keri Smith books to do. I'd like to think that one day I'll do another with some new ideas, and make sure there's something drawn or written on every page, but just look at what I already have to do XD

After the WTJ Keri released 'Mess', which I've always felt was a reaction to the prettying up a lot of people do to the Wreck This Journal, something that may not have come to mind when you first see it, and doesn't really follow along the 'Wrecking' guidelines. However, with the tagline 'To Create is to Destroy' and a rule that all instructions were up to interpretation, you can't really argue when the books weren't coming out as messed up as you may've first imagined. So I think that's where Mess comes in. There are specific rules not to be pretty, be unafraid of the mess you create and just go with it. And it may be the very reason you don't see many of these books around the internet. As you can see, mine is still pristine and I've not really got any intention to do it next either. I bought this book as the follow on to WTJ, but couldn't face trashing it for trashing's sake. Looks like poor mess is going to have to wait awhile before it gets it's own flick-through video from me.

This is Not a Book
Third in the series is 'This is Not a Book', which I'm sure you've already heard too much about from me already XD (You're gonna hate me next week if that's the case... :x). I dragged the completion of this unbook out for nearly 3 years. Ouch. Eventually earlier on in the year I completed it. I did enjoy doing the TiNaB, but it was more difficult than WTJ, I thought anyway. It seemed more in depth and you had to think more to complete the pages, but on the other hand, I also put a lot more effort into putting something onto every page, which was pretty time consuming. There aren't too many TiNaB examples around the internet which is a little sad, because although it doesn't quite measure up to the WTJ, I'm sure some of the arty people who do those could come up with some super clever ideas to the TiNaB's prompts.

Finish This Book
I believe 4th in the series was 'Finish This Book', or 'F nish Th s B k'. It's basis is that Keri found a manual in a nearby park, but some of the pages were missing so it's up to the owner to study the manual and complete the book. It does seem quite an interesting idea, particularly for the outdoorsy types, but so far I just haven't got around to filling it in, or even studying it particularly hard, unfortunately. Maybe it will be the next in the project line, so long as something else doesn't distract me when I finish my current task-

The Pocket Scavenger
'The Pocket Scavenger' is my current in the Keri Smith line which I officially started with a photo on Instagram last week x3 So far I'm really enjoying myself with this one, although I'm toning it down a little by trying not to have quite the excessive use of colour I usually go for, and just keeping it simple. This way I think I will enjoy the book more, and perhaps complete it a little quicker! Pocket Scavenger is pretty much what it says on the tin: you hunt for things listed in the book. The twist comes in when you flip the book over and there are a bunch of prompts to get you to alter the item you have found. You are supposed to go for the first one you flick to, even if you're not keen on it, which is a major struggle for me. For example, I don't want to loose the thing I just found! Being the massive hoarder I am, this book suits me pretty well until it tries to tell me to destroy something I've just gained :x Anyway, a week in and I'm having fun, here's the first page I did:

The Pocket Scavenger
Do you have any Keri Smith books? If so, which ones and which is your favourite? x3

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1 comment:

  1. I had pretty much forgotten about my Keri Smith books! I might just have to get them out again for a look through. I'm terrible for copying you aren't I haha I don't think I'll ever complete my WTJ though or Mess
