Wednesday 15 July 2015

Project Wednesday ~5 Tips That Keep Me Journalling

I thought I'd do something a little different today for Project Wednesday, instead of showing you one of my projects I thought I'd write about how tough it can be to continue with a long term project & how to carry it on when you feel like leaving it on a shelf somewhere.

5 Tips that keep me journalling
I may've mentioned before, journalling is a constant uphill struggle for me. I have trouble finding enough time in my day to write what I want, and sometimes feel like I'm writing the same thing over and over as I just go to work and come home to sleep. But, my Mum used to tell me that something happens everyday. Even if it's seemingly insignificant, just writing down something that made you smile can be nice to look back on.
So, here's my list of hints and tips to try and keep you journalling:
-Make it interesting for yourself; This is possibly the most important point. If you're not enjoying it, you don't want to do it, right? So, do what pleases you, don't try to live up to those pinterest ideas you've seen if they're too much of a struggle! If you only want to fill pages with words, go ahead. If you're more expressive and happy doodling little points that happened in your day, that can be a really interesting visual way to keep track of the stuff you've been up to. Maybe you're a mixed media type of person, if that makes you happy, do it! Got something bulky that will make the journal not shut properly? Who cares?! I bet it's really interesting and you'll want to see it in the future anyway, and you won't even notice how the book closes x3
Fill your journal to be visually appealing to you, because it's your life! I take particular pleasure in sticking in things from places I've been, such as tickets from the cinema, business cards from restaurants or even parking tickets with the date on, just to prove I did that that day. Sometimes I doodle, but I really have to be in the mood. Another really easy but effective way to express yourself is to border pages with washi tape that reflects your mood that day, or the stuff you've done. I love my beach themed washi! And it makes the book look really cool when it's closed too x3
-Set Aside Time; Either quiet or with music, however you concentrate best. Just start by writing a little about your day, or if you're struggling to think of anything try noting down your inspirations or feelings.
-Try journal prompts; Some really fun prompts can be found online, particularly around Pinterest (the easy crafting scapegoat ;p). Prompts can be about anything and you can try picking and choosing, or just going for the first one you find. Or if you find yourself spending more time online looking for prompts than actually writing anything try finding a few at the beginning of the week, printing them off and putting them in a jar so they can be picked at random throughout the week :]
-Try to write everyday; Even if it's just a sentence. If you forget/don't have time/just can't be bothered though, don't beat yourself up about it the next time you go to write. Most of all don't feel like you HAVE to catch up on anything you missed. If you want to mention it for a note for the future, just mention it, and move on ;]
And lastly-
Don't forget what you're writing for; Be it for yourself to look back on, for future generations to see what you were like or simply to get things off your chest, keep it in mind as you write. I love looking back on my journals and remembering things I've done, or when I did them. In fact, it's the one major factor that keeps me writing. Some days I hate it, or feel I am wasting my time, but never when I'm reading back through them do I feel like I shouldn't have bothered, and it keeps me in touch with myself a little, it's so easy to think that you haven't learnt from your experiences, or simply haven't done anything important, but reading about yourself in a new (yet old) light is really intriguing.
Is there something you journal for, or that keeps you going? Maybe you think I've left something off the list? Let me know!

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1 comment:

  1. New stationary! Even when I have notebooks waiting I find best way to motivate me to start is to buy a new book. I may just like buying books though XD
