Friday 11 September 2015

Autumn's Coming

Usually it gets to this time of year and although I count autumn as my favourite season, I just don't feel ready for it! Summer is swiftly catching up to autumn as a favourite now I enjoy sitting in the sun and warming my blood, and the sunshine really lightens my mood. But on the other hand there are autumn things that are just so hard to beat. I think this year I am ready for the change of season a little more than usual though.

Summer Greenery
There are things I'll miss about Summer though,
  • Greenery
        Summer is just so colourful, it's not only greenery but all the flowers and life you see through summer. Autumn is pretty in colours, but leads up to a long period of brown and dull that I it find difficult to forgive it for ;p
  • Warm Days
        What better than waking up in a morning knowing that you're not going to freeze to death while you're trying to get dressed?
  • Following on from the above, Wearing Less
        Although there is a charm in wearing heavy clothes and feeling super comfy, I'm the kind of person who will wear trousers and hoodie until the temperature goes above 20 degrees :x In winter I just have to wear more hoodies or crank up the heating in the house, plus whenever I try and go for the 'oversized jumper look' I just feel ridiculous and go back to sitting by the heater for warmth.
  • Long Days
        As much of a night person as I am I really like how the days are so much longer in summer, it reminds me of playing in the dusk as a kid and not even realising it was getting dark until you had to nip inside to get a drink or something. Good times. Now in my mind the best thing to do with long nights is sit out with friends and some cider, but lets face it, that never happens with my few-and-far-between days off and the irregularity of the English weather!

  • Beach Days
  • Beach Days
        Living so far from the coast is tough, but when I do get to go I just appreciate it all the more! I love dossing in a sheltered spot and listening to the sea lapping the shore, throwing beach rocks at a target (usually a larger rock!), and eating fish and chips while watching the ocean. Of course, you can do all these things on autumny days, but it's just not the same as a good hot summers day!
  • No frosty cars
        One of my pet peeves in the cooler months is finishing a long day of work only to have to go out into the cold to scrape solid ice off my car, then sit in the cold car while I wait for the windscreen to clear up enough that I can drive home. Urgh.

Changing Leaves
On the other hand there are some things I really like about autumn too:
  • Changing Leaves
        Who doesn't like the leaves changing colour? And when they fall and all gather into piles for jumping in, yeah it's pretty sweet x3
  • Photographic Opportunities
        Of course, with a new season comes new photographic opportunities, and autumn can be a lot of fun when the weather is right.
  • Pumpkin Spice
        This is so american of me to say but I love pumpkin spice flavour! Here in the UK we really don't get a lot of it, but I'm hoping in the next couple of years we'll start seeing more. Until then, Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes and frappuccinos will have to do for me x3

  • Fireworks
  • Fireworks
        I'm not really sure in my own mind if this is more of an autumn or winter thing, as it's usually pretty cold by the time fireworks come around, but I think technically it's autumn XD Anyway, I love watching fireworks, finding all the layers of clothing you can manage and then having a lovely hot mug of mulled cider while you watch. Awesome.
  • Less Guilt for Staying Inside
        I get massive indoor guilt in the summer, even though I'm not naturally an outdoors type. I sit at my computer typing away, looking out thinking I should be enjoying the weather. And when I do go out I'm not sure what to do with myself beside squint at my 3DS screen or read a magazine XD
  • Moving Home
        This is is just for this year, obviously, but I'm really looking forward to setting up my own home! I know it's going to be a challenge and I'll miss living at home like crazy, but it's time and it's come in the autumn x3 Only a couple more weeks and we'll be shifting boxes wishing it was warmer. Hopefully it won't rain while we move the biggest stuff!

So that's my list, what's your favourite part of autumn? Or are you more in favour of other seasons?

Extreme Touristing!

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  1. If I'm talking about English autumn I would say that my favs are the fact that my birthday will be soon and the free fruit on the trees!

    1. Both good things! The damsons are in at the moment, shame I'm not really keen on them XD What about NZ autumn?

  2. I'm not sure about NZ. Maybe cooler days as sometimes summer here is just too hot. Or perhaps the storms that in when the weather starts to change. I do enjoy a good thunder storm XD
