Monday, 14 September 2015

Homey Inspiration ~Living Room

Well, I've been mooching around again and got a few more ideas, this time I turned my attention to the living room x3

Our to-be Living Room
So here's my future living room/sitting room/lounge/whatever you call it, and I think it looks pretty sweet! But I don't know about you but the first thing I notice is that awful carpet. OMG that thing...has got to go. When we went to talk with the last owners of the house, they showed us photos from when they bought it, and guess what? The carpet was in when they bought it, 18 years ago! It's a proper high quality name though, and apparently will clean up like new if a bit of effort is put into it, but I don't think it'll matter how much effort I put in, that pattern won't go away!
To the left is the dining room, but I'll talk about that another day. To the right are the patio doors, and I've got plans for lounging around there a lot x3

Union Jack Egg Chair
Andrew Martin
A couple of years ago I decided that all I wanted for Christmas was an egg chair. I'd been asking for a couple of years before that as well, since getting to doss in one in an airport and deciding it was the comfiest thing in the world XD Being the spoilt brat I am, Face got one for me! <3 It turned out to be a LOT larger than I'd anticipated and wouldn't really fit anywhere in the house and it was far too heavy to get upstairs, not that it had anywhere to go when up there < /3 It's lived in the hallway since hen, taking up a large amount of space and generally only getting used in the summer when I don't want to sit in the sun (it's too cold to sit in the hallway in winter). Now I'm super excited to soon be able to use it. It's a little tatty but it is really comfortable and in time maybe we will get it reupholstered. This union jack egg chair I think is really awesome and I'm kinda thinking maybe the whole room could have a union jack that super tacky? Ah, who cares if it is XD Anyway, Face really wants to wrap the back of the chair with some sort of vinyl but I'm not convinced yet! I'm hoping to put it next to the patio doors so in summer and maybe winter the sun will shine in and I can read or play my gameboy in egg chair bliss.

U-shape couch
Basset Furniture
Talking of chairs I have big plans for a couch too, though I think I may need to save for a while to get what I want! For quite a while now I've been dreaming of a corner couch, until recently when I found out about U-shaped couches! Which I suppose are pretty obvious now I know about them...but doesn't decrease their awesomeness xp This one is just a pinterest find, but other than cost I don't suppose it would be too hard to put something like this together if you buy one of those couches that come in separate clip-together pieces...

Woollen Throw Expensive AF Throw
World Stores & Not on the High Street
Until then though, we have a hand-me-down suite from Face's parents. I don't mind that, after all, I don't expect to have everything I want at once, and it's our first home! You have to have everyone else's things XD The suite is leather so I have plans to have a throw over it for warmth, and in summer, not sticking to it xp This grey throw looks pretty cosy but what I would really like is to learn to arm knit and create a big chunky blanket throw...but I think that's gonna take a while, I didn't really pick up knitting so it may take me a while to figure out, nevermind find where to buy a wool that would create this effect! This photo is one for sale from Not on the High Street and is over £300 so for now the smaller throw will be fine!

Rams Skull Ornament Wifi Cross-stitch
Asda Direct & Izac Less on Tumblr
Of course, a home needs some decoration around the place and I was super keen on this ram skull decoration from Asda until Face totally shot me down on it xp TBF a real one would be cooler, but I'm not sure where the line between creepy and cool is and where is too far :x On the other hand, the wifi sampler is the kind of thing I hope to be up to this winter when I want to stay indoors and not clean everything. Maybe I will also sew one with the access code XD
I have a lot of things to do to make the house more of our home, but I'm sure it'll be a fun process x3
what do you think to these items? Is there anything you feel a living room needs?

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1 comment:

  1. I like all these ideas. I want an egg chair! I've never seen yours. I could crochet you throw when I'm over perhaps? If I start when I get there I could give it you for Xmas XD by which time you would have new furniture haha
