Thursday 10 September 2015

The Big Hoot ~Round 3-Last Lot

The Big Hoot 2015

This is the last of the owls I found. I even went out with Dad to Sutton Coldfield to find a bunch more, the biggest set of them outside Birmingham. Dad I had a really good day checking out Sutton Coldfield too XD We only missed finding one owl there. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I'm going to get a chance to find the last few, but I found 50 altogether out of about 80? So not a bad attempt anyway.

The Big Hoot 2015
This pic is the last owl I found, and it was the Sutton Coldfield themed one x3 I hoped you didn't mind me going on about these guys, and apologies if another series come by near me cause you'll probably be seeing a lot more!

Extreme Touristing!

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1 comment:

  1. These are so cool! I wish NZ did something like this but I think we are too small a country. I like the idea of it being almost a treasure hunt for anyone and everyone too.
