Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Project Wednesday ~Crochet

I really wanted to write about this one as it's something I've only gotten into in the last couple of weeks, but i'm really having quite a lot of fun with it (when I'm not frustrating the heck out of myself for missing stitches or having to undo my entire idea cause I messed up....more on that in a min). If you've been crocheting for a while, or even know the names of a couple of stitches, you many want to leave now cause I have barely any idea what I'm doing but I just wanted to show off my no0b progress :x

First Make
My friend taught me basically all I know- a chain stitch and some other stitch you use when you go back on yourself to make the piece bigger, I think of it as 'making a wall'. A-hem. Totally technical. I started with a couple of balls of wool she gave me- a light grey and a dusky pink. I knew what I wanted in my mind and after practicing a bit I soon found out I just wasn't coming up with much. So of course I did what anyone would do in the situation- head to Pinterest! I found this super easy tutorial that didn't include and confusing stitch/pattern thing, just a few pictures of what to do to make a skull, so that's what I did!
As a first attempt at making anything I was pretty pleased with myself, but it was only when I asked my friend to teach me to make a circle did I realise how little I understood what I was doing. No matter how many times I tried to follow exactly what I did as she did it in front of me, I just wasn't coming up with the same thing. Now I know how people feel when I try to teach them to make origami lucky stars x.x

Pocket Scavenger skull
Then I went on holiday. I took a ball of wool so I could practice, but because I had very little internet connection, I stuck to what I kinda knew- the skull. I made another out of the pink wool, but whereas the time before I'd looped the wool twice on every stitch to some very frustrating results, this time I stuck to single stitches and it came out so much smaller, and I didn't think there was anything I could do with such a small, wonky skull.
I did though, I stuck it in the Pocket Scavenger! Yay for something badly homemade! However, it had kinda put me off as in my mind I wanted a really chunky end result and I could see I just wasn't going to get it with the wool I had.

Cygnet Seriously Chunky
The next day we went to Barnstable in Devon, and I don't think I've seen so many charity shops in my life. While we were mooching a Sue Ryder though I found just the wool I'd had in mind, and bought a couple of balls of cream and grey. It's so plushy and I knew I needed a bigger crochet hook to deal with it, and luckily just round the corner was the famous Barnstable pannier market, which had a haberdashery stall where I found a massive hook!

Sad pyramid
I started playing as soon as I got back in the car, and it wasn't long before my ball of wool ran out, chunky wool is so easy to crochet! But it hadn't turned out quite right- it was all curly and I only had a mild idea why- my inexperience had messed it up. So I unravelled it and started again, and this time, I used my hands only to crochet, using a finger as a crochet hook XD It worked really well and before i knew it I'd made a fair sized 'wall', but it was only as I was admiring it the next day I realised my next noobie mistake- I'd not been keeping an eye on the edges and my wall had started to become a pyramid, here it's folded in half so it looks like I got one side super straight XD I was pretty gutted, but after thinking about it realised the best thing to do was to unravel it again and start over, so that what I did.

Cream & Grey Blanket
Round 2 of my 'couch blanket/throw' seems to be coming along well so far now I learnt from my past mistakes, in fact I've run out of wool and think I'm going to have to get some more online! I guess it really helps that although it's frustrating to unravel what you've spent ages on, it's not that difficult to build it back up and I can admit that every that's gone wrong has been my own fault and not some confusing instructions I'm trying to follow!
Have you tried crochet, or any other woolen craft? I'd love to hear your experiences!

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