Wednesday 9 September 2015

Project Wednesday ~September Garden

It's coming up to autumn and the garden is winding down. It doesn't seem all that long ago I was planting so many seeds and propagating all those tiny plants, and now they are all either at harvesting sorta time or already harvested. I'm not sure if I'll do another garden update this year as we're so close to end of season, and next year in theory I'll have my own garden! (I'm sure I'll still be over Dad's a lot though as his garden is much bigger XD)
Until then though, shall we see what's going on?

3 Tier Pot
Out the front my 'Pinterest Pot' went nuts and bulked out just as I hoped it would x3 I think it's a bit of a pin-win! I think a lot of this will die off in the winter so at the moment I'm considering putting pansies or violas in over the winter to keep some colour. As the front garden is very flower based it can look pretty grim out there in winter.

Passionflower plant
Also out the front is this beast of a plant! A couple of years back I decided I would put in a passion flower to climb up one side of the house and it's just set off! Last year we had a couple of small passion fruits off it and this year it looks like it's going for a more sizable attempt, it's the size of my palm! Now it just needs to get a little riper X3

Escapee Tomatoes
Heading towards the back garden, the tomato plants went nuts and started escaping the greenhouse XD Hopefully the tomatoes will ripen before the frosts hit, but if not perhaps we will have to make green tomato chutney (what else can you do with green tomatoes?)

Onions Drying
All the onions have been pulled now before they went to seed and are hanging to dry so we can eat them over winter. The white ones didn't grow nearly the size of the brown, but I don't know if it was caused by type or placement, or maybe a little of both. Maybe next year I'll start them off earlier under a cloche. I'll certainly try to buy the same type of brown ones!

Autumn Strawberries
All the peas have been pulled up now and in their place strawberry runners were planted to set the bed in time for next year. We didn't have a large crop this year out of the pots so we are hoping that by putting them back in the ground they'll put in a better effort.

Baby Corn
The corn is still going for it, it seems. I should probably look into what it looks like when it's ready as at the moment I don't really have any idea but I don't want it to grow just to sit on the plant and be ignored while I think it's still growing! Depending on the success of these, I'm considering putting in regular-size corn next year to see if I can decent sized cobs.

Vines Squash
Courgette Pumpkin
Lastly is my current pride and joy, the vines! My courgettes have been producing and I've already had 2 big courgettes, and there's a third massive one on the plant. There are many smaller ones too, just waiting to get bigger.
The squash didn't do so well, though not for lack of trying. So many little fruits were produced, but none really set? I'm still hoping for something though at the last minute xp
The pumpkin though is another story! Although it played the same game as the squash at first, just producing buds that never set into growing, it kept trying and has managed to get one going! And just look at it! It's growing up in the air as the vine climbed a bush, which worries me a little as it's starting to get weighty, but so far it seems to be supporting itself and getting bigger day by day. I'm excited to see how big it'll get!
Did your garden do well? Or are you just starting on it?

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1 comment:

  1. Nothing beats a good looking vege garden! For the corn just peel back some of the green case and if the kernels are yellow it's good to go. Make sure you go down a good inch or more though cos sometimes the top ones stay white even when the bottom ones are starting to dry out. Your pumpkin is looking good, let me know if tastes as good as it looks!
