Saturday 29 August 2015

Saturday Scavenges ~Week 4

The Pocket Scavenger
Well, we all know how this works by now so shall we check out a few of this week's finds?

A Form of Currency / Add Something Orange
A form of currency
When Dad got back from his holiday, he brought back a few odds and ends, including this Singaporean money. It's really pretty and has some nice little pictures on it, so I thought that it could go in here XD I had also considered it for the 'something that was given to you' page, but didn't want to end up with too many coins in the book!
The alteration was pretty easy- add something orange. I decided to do a basic drawing of the Singaporean skyline, including the skytower which is also on one of the coins :]

A Post-it Note / Wild Card
A Post-it Note
I didn't have to go far to find this one- as I say in the 'story' piece, I got these dead-man post-its from Face for xmas XD They sit on my desk and help me remember which photos I'm editing next.
The alteration was 'wild card', so I chose to find as many post-its to decorate the page with. They are all found at work, where we seem to have quite a lot of this sort of thing.

A Photo of Yourself / Draw the Opposite
A Photo of Yourself
I didn't think I was going to do this one easily as I don't really have photos taken, but as I was looking through a photobox I have the other day I came across this polaroid selfie I took with Face around March. It's one of the few polaroid selfies I've ever taken, and one of even fewer that have turned out quite well XD
The alteration I flicked to for this page was to 'draw the opposite'. I immediately thought to draw the same photo with us both in my furry style, but as I was inking it it occurred to me that that isn't really the opposite of the photo, more just an alternate verse...I'm not sure I'm done with this page yet.

Several Different Kinds of Leaves / Age It
Several Different Kinds of Leaves
I have a weird habit of pressing leaves. I don't do it very often, but every now and then I'll come across a leaf or petal that I just want to keep, I guess it's part of my hoarding nature :x I put it to good use here though as I picked out a few for this page.
I kinda cheated on the alteration to 'age it', as I explained in the book itself, these leaves are from between 2010-2012, I think they're already aged! Not to mention that pressing leaves is quite an aged hobby anyway...

Something Orange / Invent a Story
Something Orange
Finding something orange was easy, these little dinosaurs have been waiting on my desk for me to do something with them for a while! I got them out of Christmas crackers are work, where we buy such cheap cracker the 'prizes' inside are always super lame. But last year, these dinosaurs were included and made my work xmas period XD They are so cute!
The alteration was to invent a story. I really don't like doing things like this, it just feels so lame and it's really not visually appealing. I eventually sucked it up and wrote a little bit in an attempt to do what i would've done when I was about 7 or 8, tell a little story about how all the dinosaurs came to know each other *sigh*
Well, I hope you enjoyed looking into the Pocket Scavenger this week, let me know if there is a particular page you would like to see x3

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  1. It sounds like you find alot of cool stuff at work! For some reason we only seem to find marbles and toy cars...

    1. I certainly do find a lot of stuff at work, I suppose in a hotel people leave a lot of stuff behind and some of it has to be interesting XD I do wish I could find more stuff elsewhere, but I suppose that would require me to go out more :x
      Marbles could be fun to collect XD
