Sunday 16 August 2015

Sunday Catch-up ~Tuesday Edition

Aha I suck, I'm sorry. Would you believe I've had the last two days off and still managed to skip my posting schedule? I'm sure if you know of my mastery of procrastination you can :x
It's not that I had an amazing week full of interest, but since I already had all the pictures edited up for this post I thought I should actually post them :x

Beautiful Lillies
Well, I'm still pretty obsessed with these lillies...I think I'm going to have to put some money aside to buy more next year XD I've got some white and yellow ones coming out now too x3

On Tuesday we went out with some friends to Southwater for dinner. The town looks so good now they've done it all up. I'd hoped to get a picture of it in the dark with the building lights shining across the lake too, but the nights are still long as we left too early XD Next time then!

More Flowers
On this day Dad and Face were both out andso I did some stuff here and there and then decided i needed to get out of the house for a while. I went for a drive and suddenly thought to check on this field that a couple of years ago was coated in massive poppies. Yeah...I missed all the big poppies (check out my instagram for that shot...) but all these little poppies were cropping up at the edge of the field x3

Well, this is getting to be quite a flower-themed post, isn't it? I was about to go out the other day and noticed that the bees are loving our lavender plants at the moment. I was really trying for a shot of a bee flying but it just wasn't happening, so there's this one instead x3

Sunset near Wolverhampton
Driving back from my friends house on Sunday, I was just in time to catch this sunset x3 So gradual!
Well, that was it for last week, did you have a good week?

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  1. So many pretty pics. I keep meaning to post up some photos of a spring and flower theme. I even have one with a bee on a blossom haha

    1. Yes, springtime pics!
      And it's a cool, easy yet effective shot I think xD
